Financial Reporting and Audit

The impact of information technology is changing the way organisations do business, and the audit of financial statements must adapt to meet new requirements for attestation and assurance in an environment where business activity is less tangible and more flexible.

The new economy is creating even greater exposure to risk, making the attested statement even more relevant as a basis for informed decisions.

Parker Russell’s audit approach is risk-based, considering the whole organisation and the economic system in which it operates to deliver a report that provides valuable insights into where the business is and what it must do to achieve future objectives.

Management Risk

Managing risk appropriately is key to business success. Parker Russell Advisory Services enable you to make decisions that strengthen your business. Information Risk Management focuses on the risks you face with rapid technological advances and helps you confidently move into the future. Management Assurance Services focuses on the value an organisation can derive from successful internal audit activities. Parker Russell professionals are ready to provide co-sourcing and outsourcing internal audit solutions. They are prepared to leverage the knowledge embedded within Parker Russell’s proprietary tools to assess controls over the strategic risks that are critical to your success.

Explore our services:

Independent audit
Internal Audit
Financial Statement Conversion